Tuesday, February 15, 2011


Artist: Aerosmith
This fourth studio offering from the ‘Bad Boys from Boston” really rocks. Of the album’s nine songs, three were Billboard top 100 singles. This album was also one of the first ever to go platinum only a month after its release, in 1976. It has gone on to sell 4 million copies over the years.
Rocks ranked #176 on Rolling Stone's list of the 500 Greatest Albums of All Time, and for good reason too. This album is widely regarded as the best Aerosmith album, and captures the band at the pinnacle of their career for most fans. This record is the standard by which all subsequent albums released by the band are judged. Additionally, this album has been cited as one of the most influential among more recent artists; most notably Slash, of Guns and Roses.
Joe Perry is one of my personal favorite guitarists. He is the reason I picked up the instrument at such a young age. I remember very clearly the feeling of pride and accomplishment when at age eleven I could play along with this record all the way through. I’d put the CD in the player, strap on my guitar, turn up my Marshall, and envision myself onstage with America’s greatest rock ‘n’ roll band.
Rating: 5/5

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